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Hey πŸ™‚

Thank you for joining me here on my journey, and my website, seeking to make it home to my journeys and ponderings. And feel it will always be a work in progress , a journey in progress just like me πŸ™‚

I feel like a Chennaiite, a tamilian by roots (born here), a Mumbaikar by heart (grew up with wonderful people and became a person here) and a Bangalorean by soul (nudged to connect to myself here)… Carrying some more belongings in my heart and hope to share that story with you soon.  

I received an Engineering degree in Information Technology from the University of Mumbai, and a Master of Business Administration degree from the University of British Columbia, Canada.  I worked in technology and marketing analytics before moving to Bangalore and into the world of stories and storytelling.  My heart filled with joy hope warmth as I began discovering life and the world through the lens of beautiful stories about the inter-connectedness of it all, the interconnectedness of us all, grateful to witness as part nature, the world. 

I enjoyed all my journeys till then and now journeying what is, now. (Of course there are moments of questions, pondering, wonder, fulfilling feelings, some worry, back to pondering, wonder, fulfilment and so on). When I ponder upon my years that had gone by, I remember feeling so happy writing poems, loved singing, loved being part of cultural groups, loved being with people talking listening, feelings, wonderment. I remember during my Masters in Business Administration, when I could choose subjects, I choose subjects in marketing, sustainability, communications and strategy. I thoroughly enjoyed journeying with my teacher in creativity. And I opted for an elective in the Bachelors program – I did not mind taking it though it meant being with completely different folks – Social and Non-Profit Marketing πŸ™‚

I am grateful to teachers, friends, experiences, mentors, spaces. I felt drawn to experiencing learning in spaces with connections, places with holding, comforting rituals, light and healing, therapeutic spaces, places with expressive arts, music, drama, song, poetry, words, images, silence just spoke to me and are taking me ahead and I journey on…..

I find myself feeling like a story listener, storyteller. Believer of a warm, holding, healing space, the magic of every moment, person, connection story. On a journey exploring stories, cherishing the warmth and healing a story gives, soaking in its wisdom, finding expression for what’s within. Objects and belongings that we carry on life’s journeys call out to my heart. Dreams intrigue me – both the ones we see asleep and the ones, when awake.

Storyteller, writer,  expressive arts based practitioner (non-clinical expressive arts therapy), facilitator, positive psychology inspired, mindfulness based, mentor, coach, saathi companion. I find myself on this journey doing what I can towards bringing people, children and adults, closer to themselves and more connected to each other through story, drama, song, art, play, expression.  I seek to contribute to well-being, to help people, groups, communities, organizations, reflect, heal, meet with their creativity, grow and live joy-filled fulfilling lives. Seed a dream to do more research and apply what I gather to my best.  I am a  member of FEAST (Federation of Asian Story Tellers) and a heart member of Story Circle of Love. (A core member of Indian Storytellers Healing Network previously)

The Bright Lamp :

Deep seeded within me perhaps a question came to me …

My journey of stories began with a question on a fulfilling life, a life of meaning, seeking fulfilling moments, moment by moment, rozmarra ki ruhaniyat…. and that still is so present in me and then slowly the journey has taken me to the world of stories, traditional, biographical, stories that are becoming, stories for pondering, growth, lightness, healing, bonding, and more … 

At the beginning of the journey,  the image of the bright lamp came to me (and my husband, as we spoke) , the lamp that is always within you and me, deep down, the guiding light leading us on our journeys and became the symbol. 


Musafir, Traveller.

Fulfilling moments seeker one breath, one step, one day at a time

Grateful to all my teachers, mentors, companions on this journey. Grateful to be on this life’s journey with you. 


(My uncle named me Ramya πŸ™‚ because my family found me lovely and delightful as I grew up along with accepting this beautiful meaning to my name. I have also understood how I am also play , chalo ramiye, means lets play, rumvano, to play and so on , love that about my name -like a friend says she notices the deep and playful sides me )

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