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My seed, intention, dream, initiative, journey is called The Bright Lamp Storytells, under this initiative some of the spaces, circles I am grateful to have the opportunity to offer, hold, facilitate are  –

Storytelling performances

To be able to be the channel that brings a story to a space to a person, to a community is a joy and honour. At a space and at a moment when a story is called …

Spaces with children, families, adults at educational spaces, organisations and community and art spaces.

Story circles

A beautiful space, a circle of people come together to share, listen, be in stories, songs and silence fills me with warmth.

Story you, me, weee – story circles for children, families, at schools, nature, community arts and performance spaces. Regular and inspired.

Healing Hope and Heart Story Circle – story circle for adults, groups, communities, organizations.

Bonding over our stories and songs  – This began with an open circle we would meet every Friday online at 9 pm IST when we began and share life and songs, during the pandemic. please write to me if you’d like to be part, it is now one Friday a month or so.

Hum Circle – story circle for adults; some circles have been about sharing food and life, a page from a book that is speaking to us, a moment from our travels, personal stories and so on.

Storytelling, writing, learning, explorations

Light and joy of storytelling workshop – with children, adults, parents, caregivers, college students, teachers, organisations – sharing, exploring, learning, growing and inspiring through storytelling together. Seeking ways to contribute in educational institutions in a teaching and exploratory facilitating roles. It would mean a lot 🙂

Writing – story writing, therapeutic story writing, personal story writing, family, offering, books, workshop/mentoring; with individuals and groups

Story Mentoring, Story Saathi – with children, adults; individuals and groups, uncovering, reaching a story, storytelling, training, story writing;

Offering an invocation, a meditation

Offering an invocation, a meditation

Grateful to friends, communities that invited me to offer an invocation, a meditation, story based sometimes, a song that guides at times, sensorial emotional visualization based journey. It began with one then has been continuing. Feel like there is a message for me here.


Expressive Arts Facilitation and Coaching Practice

A warm space where art is a process, where there is compassionate listening, where there is nurturing of wonder and inner creativity, play and gentle exploration of self in this interconnected world we are in, with presence and mindfulness is the intention I keep in my heart – with children, youth, adults, expressive arts* based explorations (non-clinical expressive arts therapy based)– just being, creating with curiosity and wonder, self-exploration, nurturing the creativity within, presence and mindfulness, calming, seeking, well-being, fulfilment, unearthing, discovering… ; with individuals, groups, communities, organizations (organizations: connections and bridges, unearthing creativity, organization development and culture)

*Expressive Arts – visual art, storytelling, song, music, drama/theatre, movement, dance, writing, poetry, play, sand play, more… how beautiful 

(Content here may not be shared much here to keep it more intimate, please get in touch and will be very glad to talk) 

healing circle