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A day at Dream School Foundation nothing short of living a beautiful dream

Grateful to Maitreyee to invite me to contribute to their summer program with the high schoolers of Dream School Foundation. My best wishes always

Thank you Anupama, Hanna, Helena, Lennart, Likhita, Ravindra, Ramya, Ms Shubha, Ms. Rajalakshmi, and all the wonderful bachchas with whom I got to spend the whole day of May 7 2024

Special mention to the feeling of community togetherness and friendship during lunch with the team . Unforgettable 🙂

Journey of storytelling, the arts, light and joy, learning, sharing, growing 🙂

listening to our hearts 🙂

Thank you Dream School Foundation – mentioned in their post

To more moments together 🙂 Was wonderful and dream and hope filled to speak with Maitryee about the youth , their dreams, self discovery journeys and mental health.

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