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Journey of Writings: O mother I want to go back to your womb

Sharing what I had written for my mother many years ago 🙂


O Mother I want to go back to your womb,

The warm and sheltered place….


I want to go back to your womb

For then people would love me

For just being ’me’,

I would be free and unaware of worldly sorrows,


O mother I want to go back to your womb,


For there would be nothing to worry

Nothing to plan,

No schedules to follow,

No failures and dejections,

Life would just go on,

In the sanctity of your love and care


O mother I want to go back to your womb,

And make people dream of how I would be,

And bring color into their lives by just being in ‘ there ‘


O mother I want to go back to your womb

For then there won’t be the negative emotions to overcome,

Guilt, anger…will never bother me in there,


O mother I want to go back to your womb

And be in there with you to take care of me
And the happiness and bliss around me ‘in you’

My world would then be just ‘you and me’

And the fantasies that I would share with you,

And I need no more than your love, O Mother of mine


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  1. Journey of Writings… – The Bright Lamp