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Journey of Writings…

O mother, I want to go back to your womb (poem)

Hidden (poem)

Together (poem)

Love Beyond (short story as part of Airavata anthology, Pachyderm Tales)

Not a pendulum, a clock (poem)

Swapnanche beej, dream seeds (poem in Marathi)

She Finally Realised That The Gulmohar Tree Had Always Been There… (poem on Women’s Web)

Finding place for you, my pain (poem on Women’s Web)

Heartmade (poem part of Anthology, Great Indian Poetry Anthology Vol 1 by Half Baked Beans Publishing)

When I felt like a mother (short as part of ‘Jar of Memories’ Anthology by Half Baked Beans Publishing)

A letter from Akku (Short story on Pratham Books Storyweaver, child to nurse mother)

I’ve fallen and yet I flow (poem)

Heartmade (poem as part of Great Indian Poetry Anthology by Half Baked Beans Publishing)

Adapted version of Bhili folktale Farmer Princess (story as part of anthology adapted folktales Royals Wise and Otherwise, by FEAST Federation of Asian Storytellers)

Unspoken (short story as part of anthology of short stories by women ‘Jar of Stories’ by Half Baked Beans Publishing)

I Wish I’d Known You Better, But I Accept You Wholeheartedly, My Paati (on Women’s Web)

A Letter To Open Our Minds In Responding To Others’ Pain (on Women’s Web)

How I Teach Gender Equality To My 3 Year Old Twins, A Girl And A Boy (on Women’s Web)

Inspired by Dr. Rakhmabai Raut (on Women’s Web)

Families are special (on Pratham Books Storyweaver)











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